Green Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie bowls are a great way to integrate more fruits and veggies into your diet. They are perfect for breakfasts but also as a snack or light dinner. I crave them in the summer or when I want something refreshing and sweet. You can be creative and create your own blends and combinations. Here is one of my favorites…the green one:

Green smoothie bowl


  • Veggies: frozen spinach/kale & cucumber/celery

  • Avocado

  • Fruits: banana/apple/dates

  • Milk of preference/ plain yogurt

  • Flaxseeds/chia seeds/hemp seeds

  • Add ons: nuts, shredded coconut, berries, more seeds



  1. Place the frozen veggies together with one fruit, the avocado, and seeds with some milk/yogurt in the mixer

  2. Mix for some minutes and add more milk if necessary until a creamy consistency is achieved

  3. Transfer to a bowl and decorate with berries, coconut, nuts, and seeds. Be creative here :)

  4. Protein powder or supplements such as moringa can be added for extra nutritional value


Veggie Egg Muffins

