Hola, I’m Diana Rojas

I come from Colombia and live in Germany since 2017. I love food, good conversations, traveling, learning new things and spending quality time both with my loved ones and with myself.

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant and Yogini. I created The Mindfoodist, your guide to balance food, health and mind, thinking of my friends, family members and people out there who struggle with their health every day but don’t know where to start.

It all started …

one day back in 2015 when someone offered me the sit on the bus as he thought I was pregnant. I have never felt more ashamed in my life because I was not pregnant at all! After suffering from stomach problems, food intolerances and allergies for years it became normal for me to have my stomach bloated all the time. But until then, it was not clear to me that I had chronic inflammation due to my poor diet and high exposure to sugars and processed foods in the previous years. 

The lack of self-care reflected in my strenuous working hours, stress levels and relationships was the trigger for this constant inflammation. What was my body trying to tell me? My food choices and habits were just a reflection of my disconnection from myself. My life was completely focused on the outside: academic and professional success, social status, and other’s expectations.

Thank you berlin <3

I ignored my body messages and signs until shortly after moving to Berlin in 2019, I hit bottom physically and emotionally. Then, it became clear that I didn’t want to continue living such a life. Suddenly, I realized that arriving in this new city was an opportunity to take a break and I decided to focus 100% on my health and self-care by integrating exercise into my life, changing my eating habits and taking time and space for a spiritual practice starting with Yoga. A trip later that year to India and the pandemic in 2020 gave me more perspective to continue my inner journey, discovering Buddhism and integrating meditation into my routine

Grateful for my struggles and pain …

since they were responsible for my transformation and current life purpose. I embarked on a healing journey starting with my diet and later connecting with my spirituality. Today, being more aware that the choices I make every day affect dramatically how my body functions, I choose to get away from the things that make me sick and to get closer to the natural healing power of real food. As an act of self-care and love, I choose to be healthy and happy. 

My credentials

IIN - Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NY USA, Apr 2022

Yoga Vidya Mandiram, Rishikesh India, May 2022

Ayurveda Nutrition & Cooking 200 hrs, Greens Ayurveda, Kerala India, Apr 2022